SQL*Plus에서 ARRAYSIZE 설정에 따라 I/O가 변동되는 것은 주지의 사실이다. CLOB 타입은 LONGCHUNKSIZE 설정과 관련이 있다.
테스트를 위해 아래와 같이 테이블을 생성하자.
-- 1 DROP TABLE t1 PURGE; CREATE TABLE t1 (c1 NUMBER, c2 CLOB); INSERT INTO t1 SELECT ROWNUM AS c1 , TO_CLOB (LPAD ('X', 4000, 'X')) || TO_CLOB (LPAD ('X', 4000, 'X')) AS c2 FROM XMLTABLE ('1 to 100'); COMMIT;
- ARRAYSIZE : Sets the number of rows, called a batch, that SQL*Plus will fetch from the database at one time.
- LONG : Sets maximum width (in bytes) for displaying LONG, CLOB, NCLOB and XMLType values; and for copying LONG values.
- LONGCHUNKSIZE : Sets the size (in bytes) of the increments in which SQL*Plus retrieves a LONG, CLOB, NCLOB or XMLType value.
아래와 같이 LONG, LONGCHUNKSIZE 시스템 변수의 값을 변경하며 AUTOTRACE를 통해 실행 통계 값을 수집하자. 1
-- 2 SET AUTOTRACE TRACEONLY -- 2-1 SET LONG 80 SET LONGCHUNKSIZE 80 SELECT * FROM t1; Statistics ---------------------------------------------------------- 0 recursive calls 0 db block gets 306 consistent gets 400 physical reads 0 redo size 48460 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client 58708 bytes received via SQL*Net from client 102 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client 0 sorts (memory) 0 sorts (disk) 100 rows processed -- 2-2 SET LONG 80 SET LONGCHUNKSIZE 800 / Statistics ---------------------------------------------------------- 306 consistent gets 400 physical reads 48460 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client -- 2-3 SET LONG 80 SET LONGCHUNKSIZE 8000 / Statistics ---------------------------------------------------------- 306 consistent gets 400 physical reads 48460 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client -- 2-4 SET LONG 800 SET LONGCHUNKSIZE 80 / Statistics ---------------------------------------------------------- 2106 consistent gets 4000 physical reads 194260 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client -- 2-5 SET LONG 800 SET LONGCHUNKSIZE 800 / Statistics ---------------------------------------------------------- 306 consistent gets 400 physical reads 192460 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client -- 2-6 SET LONG 800 SET LONGCHUNKSIZE 8000 / Statistics ---------------------------------------------------------- 306 consistent gets 400 physical reads 192460 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client -- 2-7 SET LONG 8000 SET LONGCHUNKSIZE 80 / Statistics ---------------------------------------------------------- 20106 consistent gets 40200 physical reads 1652260 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client -- 2-8 SET LONG 8000 SET LONGCHUNKSIZE 800 / Statistics ---------------------------------------------------------- 2106 consistent gets 4200 physical reads 1634260 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client -- 2-9 SET LONG 8000 SET LONGCHUNKSIZE 8000 / Statistics ---------------------------------------------------------- 306 consistent gets 600 physical reads 1632460 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
아래는 수집된 실행 통계 값을 정리한 표다. 가로축이 LONG, 세로축이 LONGCHUNKSIZE 설정값이다. 설정값에 따라 I/O가 변경되는 것을 확인할 수 있다. 실제 저장된 값의 길이를 감안하여 적절한 LONGCHUNKSIZE 값을 설정해야 불필요한 I/O 발생을 방지할 수 있다.
-- 3-1 consistent gets ----------------------------- | | 80 | 800 | 8000 | ----------------------------- | 80 | 306 | 2106 | 20106 | | 800 | 306 | 306 | 2106 | | 8000 | 306 | 306 | 306 | ----------------------------- -- 3-2 physical reads ----------------------------- | | 80 | 800 | 8000 | ----------------------------- | 80 | 400 | 4000 | 40200 | | 800 | 400 | 400 | 4200 | | 8000 | 400 | 400 | 600 | ----------------------------- -- 3-3 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client ------------------------------------ | | 80 | 800 | 8000 | ------------------------------------ | 80 | 48460 | 194260 | 1652260 | | 800 | 48460 | 194260 | 1652260 | | 8000 | 48460 | 194260 | 1652260 | ------------------------------------
아래는 ARRAYSIZE, LONGCHUNKSIZE 시스템 변수에 해당하는 Java 메소드다.
- ARRAYSIZE ~= setFetchSize
- LONGCHUNKSIZE ~= defaultLobPrefetchSize, setLobPrefetchSize
- LONG 설정 값을 실제로 저장된 값의 평균 길이로 가정하자. [본문으로]
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